Welcome to Chess at Shiksha

Shiksha Niketan believes that, playing chess developsexcellent mental ability of children. It develops overall personality and a strong mind set in achieving their goals. The number of failures does not stop the child to try again and again in their progress.

At Shiksha CHESS is part of curriculum and taught all children and an internal school tournament is conducted every quarter. The dedicated chess coach ensures Chess learning a great fun.


Why should we play Chess?

While playing chess, the most active part of our body is the brain. As the brain works like a muscle, it needs regular exercises for being healthy and avoid injuries. In fact, a medical study showed that playing chess decreases the risk of dementia, as well as prevents its symptoms because playing chess develops brain functioning.

Why should we play Chess?
Challenging Mathematics
Challenging Mathematics
Challenging Mathematics

“Challenging Mathematics”

Which uses chess to teach logic from grades 2 to 7.
score of pupils in the province increased from 62% to 81%.

Important Informations

The Chess every day events conducted by National Chess Federation of India is announced in the web site:https://aicf.in-( All India Chess federation)

The Chess events conducted by Karnataka Chess federation is announced in http://www.karnatakachess.com

Playing Chess

Properly taught,a student can Learn more in  a few hours than he would find out in ten years of untutored trial and error.

–Emanuel Lasker

Playing Chess

Chess develops memory

Chess is a game for people of all ages

Chess improves concentration

Chess develops logical thinking

Chess develops imagination and creativity

Chess inspires self-motivation

10 benefits of teaching kids to play chess

Perhaps the famous names for chess world, Tigran Petrosyan and Levon Aronian have more in common than only chess, they both are Armenians, a country where all six-years-old children learn chess in schools thus becoming the first country to do so.

As a parent, many of you think about your child’s future, how you can help him/her to go in a right way. The most important thing in your parental mission is to try to find out what will be the best for your kids.

Chess is a fair game, it’s your kid, the board, and the other kid, no physical contact, only the battle of minds. The King of Board Games has much more to surprise us than we ever thought. Still, think chess for kids is too hard? Check out these surprising facts and benefits of playing chess and then consider your next move.

Chess helps
prevent Alzheimer’s

It grows

Chess raises your
kids IQ

It increases kid’s
problem-solving skills

Chess improves
spatial skills

It improves the memory of your child

It exercises both sides of the brain

It increases the creativity of your kid

It improves the concentration your child.

Chess teaches planning and foresight

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